
This week our story is A Bed For Winer.  We will be reviewing the sounds /m/, /t/, /s/, /a/, and /p/.  We will be introducing the sound /i/.  Please have your child identify things around the house that begin and end with the /m/, /t/, /s/, and /p/ sounds such as mouse (beginning) or Sam (ending); tiger (beginning) or mat (ending); seal (beginning) or kiss (ending); and Pam (beginning) and map (ending).  Have them identify things that have the beginning  /a/ and middle /a/ sound such as apple (beginning) or mat (middle; and the beginning /i/ and middle /i/ sound such as insect (beginning) or mitten (middle).  These are the type of things they will be tested on in December.  Any extra practice at home will be very beneficial.  Blending sounds to make words is a crucial part of your child's reading program.  

We will be working on calendar, days of the week,  and months of the year.  

We will be studying about "The First Thanksgiving" this week in Social Studies.  This will be an exciting time.  We will culminate our Thanksgiving unit by preparing a "Thanksgiving Feast" on the Tuesday we get out for the holiday (Nov. 23rd)  This will not be open to parents as there will be such a small amount of time.  However, parents are encouraged to come to the Talent Show which will be held at 1:30 on Nov. 23rd.  

Rebecca Dodd is this month's Star Student.  Rebecca is a very respectful and polite child.  She always finishes her work, and is eager to do more.  Congratulations Rebecca for being a super student in our class.